ShimzMiddle East & Africa

News & Info

Kenya/First Permanent Office in Sub Sahara Africa

We have opened a new branch office in Nairobi, the capital of the Republic of Kenya. Located in Britam Tower, a premier office building in Upper Hill, the new office held its opening ceremony on the 10th of January, inviting officials from the Embassy of Japan in Kenya, and the Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA), as well as representatives of Japanese companies stationed in Nairobi.

Africa's 54 diverse countries are expected to account for a quarter of the world's population by 2050, and the world is closely watching its growth potential. Many multinationals from various countries have already established operations in the region's major countries, and Japanese companies are also becoming increasingly active. Construction investment has grown rapidly in recent years, and the Japanese government is strengthening its support for infrastructure
development on the continent as a priority recipient of Japan’s Official Development Assistance (ODA).

Since entering the African construction market in the late 1960s, Shimizu has been involved in more than 90 infrastructure projects, including roads, overpasses, hospitals, and schools, in 15 countries. Nairobi is one of Africa's leading world cities, where international organizations,
multinationals, and Japanese companies have all established regional bases to oversee Sub-Sahara and East Africa regions. Shimizu intends to leverage its Nairobi location and its experience and achievements in the continent to accurately identify the construction needs of governments and companies.


1月10日、アフリカでの事業展開の強化を目的に、アフリカ事業の管轄拠点としてケニア共和国の首都ナイロビに新規事務所を開設し、同地随一の超高層ビル「Britam Tower」内にて事業活動をスタートさせました。併せて当日、同国政府関係者をはじめ、日本大使館、JICA(独立行政法人国際協力機構)などの日本政府関係者、現地駐在の日本企業関係者らを招き、開所式を執り行いました


