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Ghana / Noguchi Advanced Research Laboratories received Japan Construction International Award

Noguchi Advanced Research Laboratories won the 4th Japan Construction International Award, which is honored by Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan. This award has been initiated in 2017 by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) to commend overseas construction projects as global showcase of Japanese “quality infrastructure” initiatives which demonstrate Japan's strengths.

In Ghana, a country associated with Dr. Hideyo Noguchi, the Noguchi Memorial Medical Research Institute was established in 1979 with Japanese ODA. This project is to construct a cutting-edge research center for infectious diseases in the same institute, which will be equipped with BSL (Bio Safety Level) 3 laboratory, PCR laboratory, and laboratories for immunology, virology, and bacteriology. Under the local environment of high temperature, high humidity, and seasonal winds mixed with sand and dust, Japanese companies contributed to provide high quality infrastructure by applying the laboratory design and construction technologies which they have developed in Japan and overseas.

The laboratories have acted as an international base for countering the novel coronavirus infections in Wes Africa, conducting 80% of the medical test for the infections in Ghana and about 50% of those in countries around West Africa during the initial stages of the infection spread in Africa.

4th Japan Construction International Award (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)



野口英世博士ゆかりの地、西アフリカ・ガーナ国では、1979年に我が国ODAにより野口記念医学研究所が設立・建設されました。本プロジェクトは同研究所に、BSL(Bio Safety Level)3実験室、PCR検査室、免疫・ウイルス・細菌学部門の研究室を実装した感染症に係る研究を中心とする先端感染症研究センターを建設するものです。高温多湿や砂塵混じりの季節風といった現地の環境下のなか、日本企業が国内外で培った研究所施設の設計・施工技術(設計:株式会社日本設計社、施工:清水建設株式会社)を適用することで、質の高いインフラの供用に貢献しました。


4th Japan Construction International Award (国土交通省)